
Alpine SleepDeep Earplugs

alpine sleepdeep earplugs

If you find yourself struggling to sleep due to surrounding noise disturbances and are seeking an effective solution to improve your sleep quality, Alpine SleepDeep earplugs could be the ideal answer. These earplugs are specifically designed to provide superior noise reduction, allowing you to enjoy restful and uninterrupted sleep even in noisy environments.

Highlight Pros Cons
4.69 x 3.19 x 0.83 inches; 0.63 Ounces
Price performance product
Medium noise reduction
27 dB noise reduction rate
Easy to insert
May not fit into little ear canals
Good for sleeping, concerts, working, shooting etc.
Comfortable wearing
Extra comfort for side sleepers
Silicone free
Long term reusability
100x Reusable
Molds to fit in ear
Easy to clean

My thoughts on Alpine SleepDeep Earplugs

Alpine sleepdeep earplugs

If you’re in search of high-quality reusable earplugs tailored specifically for sleeping, look no further than Alpine SleepDeep earplugs. These earplugs are thoughtfully crafted with sleep in mind, but their versatility extends beyond bedtime, making them equally effective for studying or working in noisy environments. Crafted from a hypoallergenic and silicone-free material, they prioritize your comfort and ensure they won’t cause any skin irritation or discomfort.

The unique oval shape of Alpine SleepDeep earplugs is designed to ease the insertion process, making them a breeze to place securely in your ear canal. This means you won’t struggle to get a proper fit, and they will remain in place throughout the night, providing you with uninterrupted, peaceful slumber.

Choosing the perfect earplugs can be a challenging task, especially when seeking a solution to tackle a partner’s disruptive snoring. Like many others, I went through numerous earplugs from various brands in search of the right fit. Eventually, I grew fond of soft foam earplugs, but I also yearned for a reusable and noise-blocking option that I could use during travel or to enhance my concentration at work. That’s when I discovered the Alpine SleepDeep earplugs.

What sets Alpine SleepDeep earplugs apart is their effectiveness in reducing noise, enabling you to rest soundly even amidst loud surroundings. Whether it’s the persistent city noise or a snoring partner that disturbs your slumber, these earplugs provide a reliable and tranquil sleep environment.

They’re soft and comfy

Alpine is a well-established and reliable brand when it comes to hearing protection, and they have truly outdone themselves with the Alpine SleepDeep earplugs. These earplugs not only boast excellent noise reduction capabilities but also feature an upgraded ergonomic design with a soft and flexible texture, ensuring you won’t even notice them while wearing them. Whether you’re a side sleeper or prefer other positions, these earplugs provide unparalleled comfort throughout the night.

One of the standout features of the Alpine SleepDeep earplugs is their effortless insertion process. You won’t have to struggle or fuss with them; simply pull up your ear to straighten the ear canal, and with a gentle push, the earplug easily slips into place. It’s a hassle-free experience that lets you focus on the quality of your sleep rather than the logistics of earplug placement.

If you’re someone who appreciates a peaceful night’s sleep and is sensitive to any discomfort, these earplugs are an ideal choice. Their soft, pliable texture ensures that even during extended use, you won’t experience any irritation or discomfort, allowing you to fully embrace your restful slumber without any distractions.

They do the job

The Alpine SleepDeep earplugs offer an impressive noise reduction capability of 27 dB, thanks to their innovative design featuring sound-absorbing gel. As someone who has tried various earplugs, I can attest that no earplugs can completely block out all surrounding noise, which is inherently challenging. However, during my experience with these earplugs, I found them to be highly effective in reducing noise disturbances while I slept. It allowed me to enjoy a more peaceful and uninterrupted slumber, free from the usual disturbances.

However, it’s essential to note that during moments when I woke up in the middle of the night and my partner’s snoring continued, I could still hear it, albeit slightly muffled. This might not be ideal for light sleepers or if you have an extremely loud snorer next to you. Nevertheless, for most scenarios, the Alpine SleepDeep earplugs proved to be a fantastic companion for achieving a restful night’s sleep.

alpine sleep deep earplugs

What I don’t like

Alpine SleepDeep earplugs come in sizes M and L. Unfortunately, I could not find L size on the market easily. If you have larger ears, you may need to contact them directly to ask for their L size stock. On the other hand, if you have small ears, unfortunately they don’t produce these earplugs in small sizes which I found inconvenient. I also saw a warning in their Amazon store for small ears, stating that they are not suitable for extremely small ear canals as they need a snug fit to block sound. However, if you’re not sure if they fit or not, you can still order them and try them out, as there is a refund guarantee for small ears.

Material of Alpine SleepDeep Earplugs

The Alpine SleepDeep earplugs boast a unique composition, crafted from a thermoplastic material called AlpineThermoShape™, a remarkable innovation by Alpine. This advanced material ensures that the earplugs are silicone-free, making them an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin or allergies. Unlike some earplugs that may cause allergic reactions or itching due to silicone or other irritants, the AlpineThermoShape™ material ensures a hypoallergenic experience.

For most users, these earplugs offer a comfortable and itch-free fit, even during extended use. However, if you happen to have a latex allergy, it’s essential to take necessary precautions. I recommend consulting with a medical professional before using the Alpine SleepDeep earplugs to ensure that the material is compatible with your specific allergies or medical conditions.


alpine sleepdeep earplugs

When it comes to selecting the ideal hearing protection plugs for extended use, reusability becomes a vital consideration, offering both cost-effectiveness and sustainability. Alpine SleepDeep earplugs excel in this aspect, proudly presenting themselves as reusable up to 100 times. However, it’s essential to recognize that achieving this impressive reusability relies on responsible care and maintenance.

To ensure that the earplugs remain in optimal condition for multiple uses, regular cleaning is essential. By maintaining proper hygiene and handling, you can prolong their lifespan and enjoy the economic benefits of using them repeatedly. Regular cleaning prevents the build-up of dirt, bacteria, and other particles, preserving the integrity of the earplugs.

Noise Reduction

The primary purpose of using earplugs is to achieve effective noise reduction, and in this aspect, Alpine SleepDeep earplugs excel with their impressive 27 dB noise reduction rating. This level of noise reduction proves highly beneficial for blocking out surrounding noises and even persistent snoring, allowing for a more peaceful and undisturbed sleep.

It’s essential to acknowledge that no earplug can completely eliminate all possible noises, and Alpine SleepDeep earplugs are no exception. While they may not be as powerful as electronic earplugs or Mack’s foam earplugs, they are designed to deliver optimal noise reduction within their capabilities. When worn correctly, they effectively muffle sounds, making them appear distant and less intrusive, contributing to a quieter and more relaxing environment.

In situations where the surrounding noises are exceptionally loud, it’s important to recognize that some sounds may still penetrate through the earplugs, albeit softened. However, this is a common characteristic of most earplugs, and it’s crucial to set realistic expectations regarding their performance. Alpine SleepDeep earplugs are a valuable choice for achieving a considerable reduction in noise levels, ensuring a more tranquil sleep experience or enhancing concentration during work or study sessions.


Comfort is a crucial aspect when selecting earplugs, as the sensitivity of our ears makes it essential to find a comfortable and unobtrusive option. In this regard, Alpine SleepDeep earplugs stand out with their thoughtful and well-designed construction, ensuring a soft and pleasant wearing experience.

For side sleepers like myself, the Alpine earplugs provide an exceptional level of comfort. When wearing them, I don’t feel any discomfort or pressure in my ears, which allows for a perfect night’s sleep. These earplugs are carefully crafted to fit snugly in the ear canal, and once inserted, they stay securely in place throughout the night, even if I toss and turn in my sleep. This is a significant advantage, as it eliminates any worries of them accidentally falling out during the night, a concern that I’ve experienced with other earplugs, such as Mack’s earplugs.

The soft and flexible material of the Alpine SleepDeep earplugs contributes to their comfort, preventing any irritation or discomfort that could arise from prolonged use. They are specifically designed to provide a seamless fit, ensuring that they do not cause any pain or irritation to the ears, even when worn for extended periods.


In terms of the price-performance ratio, Alpine earplugs offer a highly favorable balance, making them a smart investment for effective and reusable hearing protection. With the ability to be used up to 100 times, these earplugs translate to 100 nights or occasions where one can enjoy peace and tranquility without being disturbed by loud noises. This remarkable durability ensures that you get excellent value for your money, as each use extends their longevity.

For occasional or infrequent use, the Alpine SleepDeep earplugs can last for a significantly extended period, providing reliable noise reduction whenever needed. However, if you plan to use them on a daily basis, they will naturally undergo more wear and tear and may last approximately three months under such circumstances.

For those seeking reusable earplugs with an even longer lifespan, an alternative worth considering is the Loop Quiet earplugs. If you want to explore your options and find the most suitable earplugs for your specific needs, I recommend checking out my review of Loop Quiet Earplugs. By comparing both options, you can make a well-informed decision based on your preferences and requirements.


Maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of Alpine SleepDeep earplugs is a simple and straightforward process. When they become soiled, you can easily clean them with lukewarm water and soap, ensuring that any accumulated dirt or debris is thoroughly removed. It is crucial to dry the earplugs thoroughly after washing to prevent any moisture retention, which could lead to discomfort or potential damage.

For a more detailed guide on how to clean reusable earplugs, I recommend checking out my dedicated post on the topic. It provides comprehensive information and step-by-step instructions to ensure that your earplugs remain in optimal condition for extended use.

Alternatively, you can also opt for a quick and convenient cleaning approach by gently wiping the earplugs. This method is suitable for maintaining cleanliness between more thorough cleaning sessions.

By adopting regular cleaning practices, you can keep your Alpine SleepDeep earplugs in excellent shape and maximize their usability while enjoying effective noise reduction and comfort for a long time.

How to use Alpine SleepDeep Earplugs

Properly inserting Alpine SleepDeep earplugs is crucial to ensure optimal noise reduction and comfort. If you find yourself still experiencing loud noises or discomfort while wearing the earplugs, it is likely that they were not inserted correctly. Follow these simple instructions to ensure correct insertion:

  1. Gently pull your ear upward to slightly open the ear canal.
  2. Carefully insert the earplug into the ear canal, ensuring that it does not go too deep. A comfortable and secure fit is essential.
  3. Allow the oval shape of the earplug to sit comfortably outside of the ear canal, forming a seal to block out unwanted noise.

By following these steps, you can achieve an effective seal and enhance your experience with Alpine SleepDeep earplugs. Correctly inserted earplugs will provide you with the noise reduction and comfort needed for a peaceful night’s sleep or better concentration while working or studying. Remember to adjust the earplugs if needed to find the most comfortable and secure fit for your ears.